Make A
Cardano is an open platform that seeks to provide economic identity to billions.
By providing decentralized applications to manage identity, value and governance,
we are connecting the unconnected and banking the unbanked.
Ready to change the world together? Let’s do it!
Pool ID (bech32): pool17e4rdh59t4fmn4g3p02xvs853katrjzge830tsmd3sfdc645yvt
Pool ID (hex): f66a36de855d53b9d5110bd46640f48dbab1c848c9e2f5c36d8c12dc
Ticker: GAIA
Fixed Cost: 340 ADA
Margin: 3%
Why we’re
the Best Choice
GAIA Stake Pool is a charitable pool leading by example in the Cardano ecosystem. We’ve been invested in Cardano since 2017, and truly believe the technology solutions Cardano is developing will revolutionize our world.
When you stake with GAIA, not only are you contributing to the growth, security, and adoption of Cardano and blockchain technology, but you are also choosing to make our world a better place.
Our server infrastructure is top of the line, 100% green, and we have many extra staking rewards for our delegators. The greatest part is, you are what makes GAIA the best Cardano stake pool – it is an honor to have you on the team.
Our pool costs of 340 ADA + 3% go towards paying for superior and sustainable servers, donations to charitable projects, and excellent token and NFT rewards for GAIA delegators. Thank you for making this all possible!
helping the world together
Every month we give 50% of our pool profit (or a minimum of 20% total pool income) to charities and projects healing the earth. Your support makes this possible!
Our donations come from Stake Pool Operator rewards – they do not affect delegator rewards.
Total donated: Over ₳15,900 ADA
Thank you delegators and supporters!
token and art rewards
Our delegators are eligible for many extra staking rewards, including token ISPOs and NFT art rewards.
We are always looking for ways to bring more value to GAIA Stake Pool delegators and supporters.
Secure, Reliable, and sustainable
GAIA Stake Pool has multiple nodes (2 public & 4 private) running on high availability and high performance clusters across different datacenters.
GAIA has 99.99% uptime and 24/7/365 security, with data encryption and performance monitoring.
We operate on green servers powered completely from hydropower and wind, making our server impact net zero. Combined with our pool’s environmental efforts, GAIA is carbon negative.
Bringing Value to Cardano and You
GAIA Stake pool is involved with a number of projects in the Cardano ecosystem. By building and collaborating, we are doing our part to bring value to Cardano.
Some of our projects and collaborations include: The CNC Ala Project, Captivate, Rocky Mountain Cryptids, Mandala Metaverse, Machiavellic, and The Cardano Forest.
Partners & Colleagues
We work with and support a wide range of groups
Some of our friends and partners in the Cardano ecosystem and beyond include: Climate Neutral Cardano, Cardano 4 Climate, Project Catalyst, The Cardano Foundation, IOG, Emurgo, Veritree, ADA Pay, Tetikasa Ala, One Tree Planted, and The Ocean Cleanup.
Hi there! My name is Brian and I’m the operator of GAIA Stake Pool.
I’m an artist, designer, and have worked in the entertainment industry professionally for about 7 years.
I have been working with computers (repairs, networking, website creation and maintenance) for about 19 years.
Hello, I’m Lisa and I’m one of the founders of GAIA Stake Pool.
I’m a coffee master by day, and a photographer by night.
I also have a podcast about cryptozoology (sasquatch, mothman, etc.) called “Rocky Mountain Cryptids“, which you can find on all your favorite podcasting platforms!
*Woof, woof* Hey there friends, I’m Faelan – one of your GAIA Stake Pool adopted family members.
My name is Gaelic and means “little wolf”, and I do my best to live up to it. I’m a Samoyed German Shepherd cross, from Saskatchewan.
Some of my favorite things include babble balls, puzzles, opening doors, and barking.
Sadly Kodi passed away in September of 2023 due to cancer.
He was the heart of our adventures, always wanting to keep on climbing.
Thank you for being our friend all these years, we miss you very much.
*Meow, meow* I know what you’re thinking – that’s a cute cat. Thank you. I’ve got the same Riker charm as my namesake, Commander Riker from Star Trek.
Being a Ragdoll from Alberta, I fit in pretty well with the other dogs of the GAIA family, as I’m a cuddly cat.
So thank you for all the pets, love, and attention – I like that almost as much as Inaba Churu.
*Snort* Hello there curious person, my name is Alibi (short for “My Alibi”), and I’m an Arabian horse of royal lineage.
Lisa’s been my family for most of my life, and we’ve been on many adventures over my 20 years and counting.
From shows, to trail riding, to being a great kids horse – I’ve done it all. Now I spend my days relaxing close to my family in Camrose.
GAIA Stake Pool is a mission-driven pool leading by example in the Cardano ecosystem. Ready to change the world together? Let’s do it!