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Staking Rewards
GAIA Delegators Earn Extra Rewards
Every epoch, GAIA delegators earn art NFTs and FTs from The Treasure Vault (minimum of 500 ADA staked, minimum 5 epochs staked).
The Treasure Vault contains NFTs and art FTs from various Cardano projects and artists we’ve supported. You can view the full Treasure Vault Distribution History at any time.
When the Treasure Vault is opened each month, at least 1 art NFT/FT will be drawn for each epoch, as well as at least 2 Captivate cards.
GAIA Stake pool is also involved with a number of projects in the Cardano ecosystem. By building and collaborating, we are doing our part to bring value to Cardano.
Have a project that brings value to Cardano or is changing the world for the better? Connect with us, we’d love to chat!
GAIA Stake Pool is a mission-driven pool leading by example in the Cardano ecosystem. Ready to change the world together? Let’s do it!