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Cardano Staking


An essential feature for Cardano

In order for the Cardano blockchain to continue to evolve in the future, governance for Cardano is a key feature on the roadmap for the Voltaire era (currently in progress). Governance on Cardano is extremely important, and it is something that all members of the Cardano community should engage with, as it will affect everyone who participates in the newtork. 

Below you will find resources about Cardano governance, where you can go to participate, and completed governance actions and assessments by the GAIA team.

CIP Cardano Improvement Proposal Logo

THe Age of Voltaire

We’re heading into the age of Voltaire, laying down the foundations for decentralized decision-making.  In these early stages of on chain governance for Cardano, we have a “governance with guardrails” model.

GAIA has registered as a DRep in order to be a voice for you. If you like what we do and what we stand for, please consider delegating your voting power to us:


> Our DRep Mission Statement

*Once the Chang 2 HFC event occurs, all ADA holders who are staking will need to make a governance choice in order to withdraw their ADA rewards. The voting options you can choose are:

– Specify a DRrep ID
– Register as a Direct Voter
– Abstain
– No Confidence

There are various entities that play key roles for Cardano governance, including:

> The Constitutional Committee (CC)
> Delegated Representatives (DReps)
> Stake Pool Operators (SPOs)
> Direct Voters
> Intersect MBO

Each group serves a different role for governance on Cardano, but the key takeaways are:

The CC serves to uphold the Cardano Constitution, and votes accordingly.

DReps are ADA holders that have a personal interest in governance and invest time into goverance research. DReps are who the majority of ADA holders will delegate their vote to in order to have someone represent them. It costs 500 ADA to register as a DRep.

– SPOs are the backbone of the Cardano ecosystem, those who run the hardware and software for the Cardano network to function. SPOs have key voting on matters of hardware and software upgrades (Hard Fork Combinator Events).

Direct Voters are ADA holders who wish to be able to vote on governance matters themselves, but do not wish to represent the votes of others like a DRep would. It costs 500 ADA to register as a Direct Voter.

Intersect is a Members Based Organization (MBO) with Cardano community members at its core. Currently, Intersect is the only organization with the power allocated to manage the Cardano budget. Since this is the case, Intersect serves a critical role for the Cardano ecosystem.

As an MBO, Intersect’s primary duty is to its members and not all ADA holders, so it is important to have a large number of Cardano community members continue to join Intersect.

Intersect is a brand new organization, and in our opinion will need to be monitored closely.

With the current intersect budget request, 1/3 of the entire Cardano treasury has been requested, and we think it would be wise from a budget perspective not to entrust that much ADA to a brand new organization that has not yet proven itself.

A real budget for 2025 with allocation for the requested ADA has not yet been presented, so until this is the case GAIA will vote no on any proposed treasury withdrawl.

> Here is a full take on the Cardano 2025 budget
> With some further questions answered here
> Intersect’s budget process here

> Interact with governace at
> Interact with governance at
> Join Intersect MBO for $10 at

> Learn more about governance and CIP 1694 at
> Read CIP-1694 on GitHub

Project Catalyst Gears Logo Cardano

Project Catalyst: Vote with your ADA

Project Catalyst is bringing on-chain governance to the Cardano blockchain by allowing the community to self-determine priorities for growth.

Project Catalyst is a part of the Voltaire Era, and Cardano’s community funding platform. ADA holders can vote on and assess proposals, while earning ADA for doing so. Community members can also submit projects themselves for funding.

GAIA Stake Pool and Frostlore Games successfuly secured funding through Project Catalyst for our first Cardano-themed tabletop card game, Captivate.

> Voter Registration Guide

> View Projects and Participate

> Learn More

On Chain Voting Cardano

Cardano Foundation SPO VOTE:

Potential Changes to Parameters and Values


The Cardano Foundation wishes to make it easier for the Cardano community to have a say in the development of network updates, technical improvements, and the future of the ecosystem as a whole. Crucially, the Foundation looks to do so by offering a transparent, on-chain method.

The on-chain poll follows this approach, and indeed builds on the mechanism proposed by the Foundation in CIP-0094. The poll asked SPOs for their stake-weighted opinion on potential changes to parameters and values, giving the Foundation valuable insights into what the community needs as well as its preferences. It likewise applies action 7 of the governance actions detailed in CIP-1694.

Here are the results of the on-chain poll, recorded by

Our vote for parameter changes was cast as:

Increase k to 1000 and halve minPoolCost to 170 ADA

GAIA Stake Pool is a mission-driven pool leading by example in the Cardano ecosystem. Ready to change the world together? Let’s do it!


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